I just finished Mindsets in the Classroom : Building a Culture of Success and Student Achievement in Schools by Mary Cay Ricci. I could not put it down!
Most of the concepts presented were not completely new to me, but they were so well presented with great examples that made me think! At times, I thought my head was going "to explode from all the neurons connecting in my head," to restate the quote from a Grade 2 student presented on page 139! I had ideas, I made connections, I wanted to know more about certain things.
Thanks Mary Cay Ricci! A must read for everyone in education!
Here are a few of my takeaways taken directly from the book :
"Many reasons exist for hampering student potential; … ; one major obstacle is how we judge both adults and children by the speed in which things are completed." (p.9)
" … happiness can be learned with specific practice and effort." (p.19)
"Preview and Preassess : you must allow your students the opportunity to firt preniew the content being assessed." (p.33)
"Nonverbal Reasoning Games and Their Outcomes on Mindset in the Critical Thinking Gwoth Mindset Project" (p.59)
"Also very interesting to note is that people with a growth oriented mindset have a remarkably accurate assessment of their own performance and ability." (p.76).
"As a result of this session, I am thinking… As a result of this session, I am planning…." (p.84)
""Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit"" (Vince Lombardi Jr.) (p.138)
"To work toward a growth mindset school culture is a commitment that all stakeholders must make. … Would visitors to your school pick up on the persistence and effort that your students are putting forth?" (p.143)