What do I take back from ECOO?
But, one of the riches moment of the ECOO conference for me : finding my blogging niche … well, I think I found it! You know what a niche is? In the spring, I ventured into the blogging world. I didn’t know exactly what to write about, but I knew I had to write ... at least that’s what I read in many different blogs about blogging! So blogging, here I come! Since then, I have written many different blog posts, but I feel I have not found my niche. I know what I don’t want my blog to be : I don’t want my blog to be a list of tools. Yes, I can, and I do, from time to time, propose the use of certain tools, but I didn’t want technological tools to be the focus of my blog. Until now, I believe my passion for continuous learning and the learning I have experienced with my children have been the biggest source of inspiration for my blog posts. But again, I find/found that I did not find my niche. At the ECOO conference, listening to one of the keynote speakers, eurêka! ... I think! …
In one of his workshops, DJ Cunningham, who has a very interesting life story to share, mentioned many times the connection made on an emotional level with his Grade 9 English teacher. Then, in the conference closing keynote, George Couros, whose blog was a big influence in the push to start my own blog, talked about the importance of the connection to the heart.
But, I am wondering … How can we make this connection within the framework of the educational system in which we work. My head is spinning ... I am still … I am always … in deep reflection! I will get back to you about the discovery of my niche! For now, I can say that I found my passion (I just read this article last week, but I use the blogger perspective while reading it!)! At least, one of my passions!!!
What’s your passion?